Sunday, January 16, 2011

Everybody loves cereal!

This week we're going to stock up on cereal. Dry cereal, that is. Cheerios, Cookie Crisp, granola--whatever strikes your fancy. Cereal may not be the most filling food but it's something that just about everybody likes. And sometimes that's what you need most. It's easy and the only ingredient you need is milk (and maybe a little sugar if you get one of those healthy kinds).

If you're a mom, one of the most common complaints is that everybody will eat cereal up in no time. While that is a bummer (the stuff is not cheap, after all) at least you don't need to worry about rotating it!

I would recommend at least a couple of boxes per person. Yes, it's going to be expensive. But at least you know it's going to be eaten. Just bite the bullet and remember that the prophet commanded us to have a three-month supply of food we normally eat. So I guess that means the prophet wants us to buy cereal!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Let's start this New Year right!

OK, I am repenting of neglecting this blog. We're kicking off our New Year's plan this week and I'm excited to help everyone boost their food storage.

The plan is changing a little bit this year. We'll have a monthly theme as well as having a weekly item. The idea behind this being that it might be easier to keep the monthly theme in the back of everyone's mind. It also allows a little more flexibility if there are some items your family can't (or won't) eat. This month's theme, for example, is Family Favorites. The item for this week is Peanut Butter. If you happen to have peanut allergies you probably won't want to get this, Instead you might want to choose another food that is a family favorite. Next week we'll do another item that is a family favorite. Get how it works?

I'm really hoping that we can all get a little more prepared this year. There may not be any practical reasons; you might not have to face unemployment or a pandemic. But having a three-month supply of food is a commandment from the Prophet. Which is a commandment from the Lord. So just keep that in mind as you hit the grocery store each week.