Sunday, May 30, 2010

This week's item

This week's item is FREE!  It costs absolutely nothing, but is extremely valuable.  This will require about a half hour of your time, but I promise you that you will be glad you did it!  

This is a valuable set of papers to be kept someplace handy.  It's probably not ever going to leave your house, except in case of emergency.  I keep my pages like this in the back of my binder where I have my ward list.  It's one of the first things I would grab in case I had to evacuate my house at a moment's notice.

On it you'll list important items such as:

-kids' cell phone numbers 
-the phone numbers of close relatives (in and out of state)
-the phone numbers of a couple of neighbors
-doctor's numbers
-your insurance agents number and your policy numbers
-your driver's license number(s)
-credit card numbers (including the 1-800 numbers for cust. service)
-Social Security number (s)
-prescription medication info

I also list my frequent flyer numbers, dentist/ortho numbers, license plates (I can never remember them!) and have a ward list.  

Feel free to customize this as much as you'd like.  It really gives you a lot of peace of mind to know that all this important info is in one place.  Now you'll just have to remember where you put it!  I have mine in the cupboard right next to my fridge.  My kids can't reach it, but I can see it right there, so I know where to find it.

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